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MQTT Topic List

MQTT Settings Page
LWT TopicDefault: lwt/client

Last Will and Testament Topic
In this topic the actual IP Adress will be published or after timeout a "Offline" string
Command TopicDefault: cmd/client

General Command Topic where global commands can be run (not implemented yet)
Publish TopicDefault: clients/client

General Publiush Topic where global message can be seen (not implemented yet)
Peripheral Settings Page - Relay Module
Switch Command TopicDefault: client/relay

Switch the state of the relay
"on" or 1 enables relay
"off" or 0 disables relay

Should be retained and QoS of at least 1 to recover the last state on reboot
Switch Publish TopicDefault: client/relaystate

Actual state of the relay
Peripheral Settings Page - Analog Sensor Module
Publish Topic ADC ValueDefault: client/adc

Actual value of Analog Port
Peripheral Settings Page - RCSwitch Module
Command Topic PrefixDefault: client/rcswitch/

Prefix to control the RC Plugs
For every defined RC Plug will be one topic reserved and could be switched then
the same way like the relay module for example:
client/rcswitch/1 for the first defined RC Plug
Peripheral Settings Page - Motion Sensor Module
Publish TopicDefault: client/motion

Actual state of motion
0 for no motion detected
1 for motion deteced
Peripheral Settings Page - MAX72XX LED Matrix Module
Topic PrefixDefault: client/display/

The Prefix of the control topic of the display
Enable TopicDefault: enable (client/display/enable)

Enable or disable display output
0 for disable
1 for enable
Display Text TopicDefault: text (client/display/text)

The text to display
Scrolling TopicDefault: scroll (client/display/scroll)

Enable scrolling of the displayed text
0 for disable
1 for enable
Scrolling Speed TopicDefault: speed (client/display/speed)

The delay of the text effect in ms.
Should be a value between 1 and 200
Charwidth TopicDefault: charwidth (client/display/charwidth)

The amount of pixels between every character displayed
Should be a value between 1 and 5
Intensity TopicDefault: intensity (client/display/intensity)

Sets the intensity of the display
Should be a value between 0 and 15 (default is 9)
Invert Display TopicDefault: invert (client/display/invert)

Enable inverting of the displayed text
0 for disable
1 for enable
Text Alignment TopicDefault: alignment (client/display/alignment)

Alignment of the displayed text
0 for left aligned
1 for centered text
2 for right aligned
Pause Time TopicDefault: pause (client/display/pause)

Delay time in ms of the staying of the displayed text if an text out effect is greater or equal than 1
Effect In TopicDefault: effectin (client/display/effectin)

0Used as a place filler, executes no operation
1Text just appears (printed)
2Text scrolls up through the display
3Text scrolls down through the display
4Text scrolls right to left on the display
5Text scrolls left to right on the display
6Text enters and exits using user defined sprite
7Text enters and exits a slice (column) at a time from the right
8Text enters and exits in columns moving in alternate direction (U/D)
9 Text enters and exits by fading from/to 0 and intensity setting
10Text dissolves from one display to another
11Text is replaced behind vertical blinds
12Text enters and exits as random dots
13Text appears/disappears one column at a time, looks like it is wiped on and off
14WIPE with a light bar ahead of the change
15Scan the LED column one at a time then appears/disappear at end
16Scan a blank column through the text one column at a time then appears/disappear at end
17Scan the LED row one at a time then appears/disappear at end
18Scan a blank row through the text one row at a time then appears/disappear at end
19Appear and disappear from the center of the display, towards the ends
20OPENING with light bars ahead of the change
21Appear and disappear from the ends of the display, towards the middle
22CLOSING with light bars ahead of the change
23Text moves in/out in a diagonal path up and left (North East)
24Text moves in/out in a diagonal path up and right (North West)
25Text moves in/out in a diagonal path down and left (South East)
26Text moves in/out in a diagonal path down and right (North West)
27Text grows from the bottom up and shrinks from the top down
28Text grows from the top down and and shrinks from the bottom up
Effect Out TopicDefault: effectout (client/display/effectout)

Same list as in Effect in Topic description. For a static text use no effect (0)
Reset Display Option TopicDefault: reset (client/display/reset)

Reset Display animations on changing settings?
0 for disable
1 for enable (default)